Monitoring systems with integrated, wireless ANT transmission for your customer.
Network capability because of ANT: Coverage of a broad area in which measurement results
can be collected.
With hSpots, the signal can be increased and thus, the coverage can be extended – it works
just like wireless repeater.
The devices are easy to use & wireless data transfer works without further technical knowhow.
Wireless data transfer to the hLine Terminal, which is installed in the accordant accomodation.
The hLine Terminal is a separate Computer with internet-, USB or WiFi-connection. It receives
all measurement results and subsequently transmits them.
Contrary to the other hLine packets, with hLine senio the measurement results will
be directly sent to the server / computer of the home for the elderly or the nursing
There they can be analyzed and processed individually.
hLine senio is a tool, which gathers test results within a certain accomodation and
prepares them for patient administration. Especially in nursing homes and different
areas of patient care, this model holds key advantages.